Benefits of Boredom for Kids   Benefits of Boredom for Kids   Benefits of Boredom for Kids   Benefits of Boredom for Kids   Benefits of Boredom for Kids   Benefits of Boredom for Kids

The Benefits of Boredom for Kids

These days our kids are never bored. They have cell phones, iPads, TV, video games, and schoolwork to keep them occupied. While it is nice to have something to do, somehow, being bored became a bad thing. And not letting our kids be bored can actually be detrimental to their wellbeing in the long run if we are not careful.

⭐️Boosts trust
⭐️Improves self-awareness
⭐️Inspires Creativity & critical thinking
⭐️Improves problem solving skills and independence
⭐️Helps you get to know your kids + them get to know themselves

We have this idea that boredom is a lack of something. That we are keeping something from our kids by letting them be bored.

But we aren't.

In fact, we are actually GIVING them something- the ability to be more independent, reflect on themselves and their surroundings, boost their imagination, and be more mindful.

01. Inspires Creativity & Critical Thinking

Here are the benefits of boredom for kids:

Creativity is changing and the WAY we are creative has changed with technology.

People don't often read and write or create things by hand anymore. Instead, we create things online for others to see and use. This isn't a bad thing. HOWEVER, on the flip side of this, our creativity and critical thinking skills have diminished by the way of technology.

Need an idea for something? Google it. Aren't sure how to make this? Pinterest it. Want to read a book? Kindle it. Or order it online and have it shipped to your door, never mind the bookstore.

Being bored encourages creativity and critical thinking in that our minds are free to think about whatever we want. But when we are constantly telling our kids what to do and when to do it, we are squashing that creativity and ability to think about things from our own perspective.

02. Builds trust

When we let our kids be bored and choose their next activity, we are telling them that we trust them to take on that responsibility and make the best decisions for themselves in that moment. 

When our kids know that we trust them, they are more likely to trust and respect us, helping to build a positive grown up - child relationship, an important relationship needed for success and social-emotional wellbeing.

Again, boredom does not mean "lack of responsibility" or "lack of rules". Setting some ground rules will let kids know that, while they are being given some autonomy, they still need to be respectful.

03. Improves self-awareness

When we give our kids the opportunity to be bored or to let them decide on their own what they are going to do next with their free time, we are allowing them to develop a better sense of themselves and their interests.

Kids get to reflect on themselves, their situation, and wanting to get out of the state of boredom gives kids the opportunity to ask themselves questions such as

•"What do I like to do?"
•"Why does this appeal to me?"
•"How do I feel when I'm doing this activity and how do my emotions and thoughts affect/influence the things I want to do?".

04. Improves problem solving skills + independence

"I'm bored, what can I do next"? When we are always telling our kids what to do or giving them ideas of what to do next, they don't get the independence of choosing something themselves.

Being bored isn't a problem, but we think of it as such. When we are bored, we are instantly looking for something to do, something to fill the void. When we let our kids be bored, we are giving them the opportunity to solve this "problem" on their own and have some independence in their own decision-making.

Kids love making their own decisions. They don't get to do it often enough. So when they are given this opportunity, we are providing them with the motivation to solve a problem by doing something they love, while also giving them the opportunity to seek new experiences and try new things.



Creating Mindful Spaces

05 Get to know me

Letting our kids be bored can help us to get to know them better. If we watch how they react and what they do when boredom arises. 

If a child is introverted, they will love the opportunity to be "bored". An introverted child will not actually be bored by doing nothing, they will relish in it. Introverted kids need this time to recharge and refocus. 

An extroverted child will have a harder time with the concept of "nothing to do". This is the child that is going to "act out" if they are not entertained. But if we encourage them to do something they love and something that they can show to others later, they will handle boredom perfectly. 

Boredom also gives kids the opportunity to get to know themselves by learning how to slow down and be one with themselves. 

We tend to think of boredom as a bad thing, but it isn't.

In this day and age, kids are so busy - overenrolled, overwhelmed, overstimulated, overtired.. Over it. 
Moments of “boredom” [AKA peace] should be welcomed. But what we are seeing is the opposite. Because they are used to being so busy, on the go all the time, or knowing what is happening/needs to get done next, our kids don’t know how to do nothing. They don’t know how to be bored.

So let them learn.

Boredom gives our kids so much - independence, self awareness and reflection, confidence, decision-making skills, critical thinking, and creativity... the list goes on and on.

I don’t know when boredom became a bad thing, when we started to believe that overworking and overstimulating our nervous systems is normal, when it became almost unacceptable to have some down time, but quiet time with ourselves is absolutely critical to being a happy, healthy person.

Let kids be bored.


Tip: create a Bored Board in your home with mindful activities for kids to do when they are bored

the latest

The benefits of mindful breathing for kids

Adding mindful breathing into your child's routine unlocks so many benefits that go beyond relaxation.

By teaching kids to pause, breathe, and reconnect with themselves, you’re equipping them with essential tools for navigating life's challenges with greater ease. As they develop these skills, you may notice improvements in their emotional regulation, focus, and overall well-being. Whether through simple exercises at home or playful activities that make breathing fun, the journey of mindful breathing will enrich your child's life. Watch as your kids grow into more centered, confident individuals ready to take on the world!

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hey, i'm mae!

Former Kindergarten & Elementary teacher and kids yoga instructor, I began creating mindfulness resources while I was completing my Master's degree in Educational Psychology at McGill University.

I've had my work published in some of the world's most sought-after kids yoga teacher trainings, including Cosmic Kids and Kids Yoga Stories.

i'm a creatively obsessed, 5/2 manifestor, overachieving, nature loving dog mom who runs on coffee and nutty buddys.

I've been building Wolf and Whimsy Kids since 2017.
and it just keeps getting bigger and better, beyond what i could possibly have dreamed up.

I'm genuinely so excited and grateful that you've landed here.

Welcome to the Wolf and Whimsy Kids movement.

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from wolf & whimsy kids

click the button and watch the balls fly! this fun journal prompt generator is the perfect way to get your daily journal prompt from wolf and whimsy kids!

journal prompt generator


roooAAArrr Like a Dragon

Favorite resources

60 pre-made yoga cards (B&W+ color), a list of yoga pose alignments and caller cards, and  12 blank cards for you to create your own yoga poses and game!

Yoga Bingo

At Wolf and Whimsy Kids the goal is simple: empower kids and activate their magic.


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